Prepare. Purpose. Process.

These are the three things our brains need to do our best thinking and learning, and to be able to use what we learn in our lives. We provide a simple way to provide these three Ps.

What we live by

Transparency. Communication. Integrity. Abundance. Curiosity. The belief that anything is possible with an open mind and focused intention.

Intrinsic Motivation and Problem Solving

We give children purpose in learning academic skills, clarity about emotions and how to deal with them, and practice communicating in ways that develop healthy, lasting relationships.

Simple Everyday Practices

Rather than imposing a whole curriculum, Brain Stages Education and Parenting offers SIMPLE brain-friendly, everyday PRACTICES and support for implementation in classrooms or at home. These practices SAVE TIME and SUPERCHARGE LEARNING—academically, socially, and emotionally. In about three weeks, children can begin taking charge of implementing the practices—which builds community support, cohesiveness, collaboration, and self-confidence.

For decades, increasingly since electronics have become more pervasive in our lives, we’ve been hearing how children are less engaged in education, and many leave high school without the skills they need to thrive in our world.

It took me 23 years of teaching preschoolers, elementary, and middle school students, studying the latest research, talking to experts, and tons of trial and error as well as raising a couple of kids who had challenges to crack this code.

Using brain-friendly practices, I’ve found, can TRANSFORM CLASSROOMS, SCHOOLS, and FAMILIES into COHESIVE, SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITIES with an overall sense of WELL-BEING.

  • SAVE time
  • Supercharge learning
  • Get higher scores on state tests
  • Enjoy kids’ intrinsic motivation and participation
  • Get a higher school ranking.
  • Experience greater respect for all
  • Develop children’s (and possibly your own) emotional quotient (EQ) and social skills
  • Grow happier, healthier, smarter children
  • Get the perks from technology while you avoid the pitfalls
  • Have more FUN!

Go from “How will I get through this week?” to “I get to spend time with kids today!”

It’s time to restore JOY in education!