School Brain Health Series

Let’s improve mental health and supercharge kids’ learning!

Since the shutdown during the pandemic, so many children have fallen behind (or farther behind) in school as well as in their social and emotional growth.

Most teachers have been overwhelmed trying to fill in learning gaps, and often those who have managed to progress academically, on grade level or beyond, have trouble getting their needs met.

Recent studies paint a grim picture.

But it doesn’t have to be like this! And we don’t need to change the school curriculum to get great results!

Invite a Brain Stages Brain Health Series into your school.

Discover the combination for transformation—Just five simple shifts in routine!

  • Reduce stress – for you and the kids in your life.
  • Support social and emotional learning.
  • Get brain-savvy secrets to increasing student engagement in the classroom.
  • Physically boost brainpower.
  • Find out how to improve school academic performance.

The Brain Health Series Includes:

  1. One presentation (live or online) provides an overview of FIVE evidence-based brain-healthy shifts in routine that when done in combination, in my experience, offer MEGA positive results—for everyone—kids and adults. That’s less stress, more confidence, a sense of well-being, and more thinking power.
  2. FIVE short follow-up meetings (10-12 minutes, live or online) to support the school in IMPLEMENTING each of the FIVE brain-friendly practices.
  3. A Reflection Page (optional) for participants to set goals for each of the FIVE shifts.
  4. A LIVE Question and Answer session (online via Zoom) two weeks after the conclusion of the series with Patricia (Trish) Wilkinson, founder of Brain Stages Education and Parenting, to ensure ongoing success.

We’ve all attended presentations that provided solutions to resolve challenges. Afterward, we might DO one, maybe two of the prescribed actions. 

But you will be supported every step of the way to make ALL FIVE SHIFTS, to enjoy the transformation that is possible, and to rediscover the JOY in education.

For more information, click the button and schedule a call now.